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Book a Session With Kye
Inventory management software training for new and current users alike.
Online Consulting & Training
Want to book an online training session with Kye?
Select from one of the following options.
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1 hour Consulting & Training session with Kye
Book a 1 hour appointment with Kye, one of our Implementation Specialists. Typically 1 hour appointments can be used to discuss advanced support topics on process / best practice or functions in Fishbowl your business has not previously used, and Fishbowl fundamentals for new staff.
1.5 hour Consulting & Training Session with Kye
Book a 1.5 hour appointment with Kye, one of our Implementation Specialists. Typically these appointments can be used to discuss advanced support topics on process / best practice or functions in Fishbowl your business has not previously used and Fishbowl fundamentals for new staff. Book this if you have more content to cover off or if you’re unsure whether 1 hour will be enough time.
2 hour Consulting & Training Session with Kye
Book a 2 hour appointment with Kye, one of our Implementation Specialists. Typically 2 hour appointments can be used when involving more staff with topics centring around bettering your existing use of Fishbowl, more in-depth training for new and existing staff and deploying a new plugin.
3 hour Consulting & Training Session with Kye
Book a 3 hour appointment with Kye, one of our Implementation Specialists. Typically 3 hour appointments are reserved for in-depth training where process is also reviewed and a number of staff are involved.
If you require something more bespoke, get in contact with our solutions team to discuss your needs.