Pics Peanut Butter

About pics peanut butter
Pics Peanut Butter, established in 2012, freshly roasts and lovingly squashes all their Australian Hi Oleic peanuts in Nelson, New Zealand. Available in supermarkets around the world, Pics Peanut Butter sells 20,000 jars a day.
Business Challenges & Needs
As we import peanuts mostly from Australia and manufacture peanut butter for both local and export markets, our business needed an inventory management solution which handled everything from purchasing to dispatch.
Before implementing Fishbowl, we relied on multiple spreadsheets in Excel which meant we were unable to effectively manage our inventory across multiple locations and required a lot of manual entry, resulting in endless hours chasing errors and corrections.
The inventory ability of Reckon prior to being able to sync to Fishbowl was lacking at best. We also had no purchase order system and controls around cost which we have now.
Our business needed an inventory management solution which handled everything from purchasing to dispatch.
Operations manager, pics peanut butter
The Solution
Fishbowl was the solution as we use it extensively for our purchase orders, work orders, transfer and sales orders. All of this then syncs with our accounting software, Reckon which was a key factor when choosing our inventory management system. An unexpected benefit was the way it immediately forced us to correct some of our systems, it highlighted where we were cutting corners!
The Results
We’ve benefited greatly from implementing Fishbowl within our business and are close to implementing Fishbowl Go which will give us even greater insight into our business.

Just fill in the information and click the GET STARTED button to access our download. The free-trial versions are fully functional copies of our software with all capabilities enabled. A Fishbowl technician will contact you — usually within two business days — to help answer any questions you may have.
Important: We will never sell your information to third parties.